So let me sum this whole post up in a few words, for those who are lazy. I love em.
Want further details? Great! So, I got my trolls and today went to my FLGS and had a few matches. Specifically I was facing a player who just started Circle. He had played Menoth previously, and also Trolls, but was giving up Trolls because they are very similar in playstyle to Menoth. Good for me because I can get KSB, Champs, a Stone Scribe Chronicler, and Fel Caller for my army (500 points with that yea!)
So, our first match was battle box vs battle box. Trolls vs Circle. The highlights were him trying to slam my Axer back into Madrak. When this failed, he explained he was going to do that, then Spirit Door Kaya in to whack me, using his feat to get a crap ton of fury after burning it for even MORE attacks. He ended up doing this anyway, but with Madrak actually standing up it was hard. He ended up using a total of 9 attacks, hit a few times but only managed to deal 5 points of damage. My Impalers then speared Kaya to death.
Score 1 for the Trolls. The toughness had me happy, but I wanted to see more. So, the next game I borrowed another Trollblood players KSB, Champs, Chronicler, and Caller. The same stuff that the gent I was playing is trying to get rid of. PERFECT. I could test em out!
This match was brutal. He was using Megalith, Baulder, a Worldwyrd (the shooty thing) and a Worldwarden (the little light one from prime) along with Alligators, Wrong Eye, and Snap Jaw. Those Gatormen are BRUTAL. They tore into my Champs, and the Champ leader actually saved on his Tough roll 3 times before finally dying. Thank god for Sure Foot and the Armor aura. The game winner once again was Trolls, and here is how it went down.
The map we were playing on had a river right through the middle. So I couldn't charge. Baulder also had 2 fury, to transfer. First I had 1 Impaler throw a spear, hitting and dealing 5 to Baulder. He did not transfer this. The second Impaler threw his spear, hit and did 5 again. He transferred this to Megalith. I then ended up using Madrak to cast the Impaler animus on himself, taking a hit from the Wyrd (stupid arcane counter) and taking 5 damage. This gave me enough range to throw my axe at Baudler, who STILL had 1 Fury on him. I was praying for the crit, so I boosted my hit roll...AND GOT THE CRIT! He couldn't transfer now. I then rolled and boosted damage, reaching 17 total, and his armor simply removed 1 damage. Dealing 16 points and killing Baulder.
Game 2: Trolls baby!
We ended up playing 1 more 500 point game, this time I took my Cygnar out for a spin. The gaming gods decreed that NO. I will not play Cygnar, and I lost. Given that my first 2 games of Trolls were wins, including an amazing lucky crit + nearly max damage on a throw, I have fallee in love.
The Trolls are getting beefed up this Saturday. Gonna add the stuff listed above and hit 500 points, and get some practice with those. I do like the Champs, and I gotta get the hang of using the Chronicler. He didn't do a whole lot, and I only got the 2nd story.
2 weeks ago
Yeah, brotha. Trolls are a lot of fun and amazingly strong. Can't wait to sic my cats on ya!